Thursday, June 25, 2015

July Xbox Games with Gold Announced

July Xbox Games with Gold Announced

By Hunter Braine

Next month get your sea legs ready, chainsaws revved up, and weed your garden! July brings Gears of War 3, Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag, Plants vs Zombies, and So Many Me.

Major Nelson writes in his blog Microsoft plans to release two Xbox One titles every month along side Xbox 360.

Throughout the entire month of July, Assassin's Creed IV will be available on the Xbox One, and starting July 16, So Many Me will become available as well.

Plants vs Zombies will be available on the Xbox 360 from July 1 through the 15, and will be replaced by Gears of War 3.  At this moment Massive Chalice is still available on the Xbox One.

For more on this and everything gaming, keep it here at Carbyne Studios.

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Xbox One Backwards Compatibility Will Support Xbox 360 DLC

Microsoft Announces Add-On Content to be Playable on the Xbox One

By Hunter Braine

Microsoft announced via Xbox Support Twitter that the Xbox One will allow Xbox 360 DLC content, however for each specific titles, publishers have the final say whether they will be implemented. 

Eurogamer also confirmed that cloud saves and achievements would carry over from Xbox 360 to the One as well as multiplayer working as long as the games still had servers running.

Both digital and physical games will eventually be playable on the One ported from the 360, Phil Spencer stated he wanted to "make 360 owners look at Xbox One as a safe place to play."

For more on this and everything gaming, stay tuned to Carbyne Studios.

Monday, June 22, 2015

Bethesda Announces Specs for Fallout 4

Fallout 4 Runs at 1080p/30FPS on Xbox One and PS4, PC Version Not Limited.

By Hunter Braine

Bethesda confirms that Fallout 4 will run at 1080p and 30 frames per second on the Xbox One and PS4, however on PC it would not be limited to resolution nor frame rate. 

Todd Howard, the Creative Director, stated it would be "1080p on everything." Later on it was mentioned that Fallout 4 would not be 60 frames per second on consoles, but rather capped at 30.

Fallout 4 was shown off at the Bethesda E3 Press Conference last Sunday where they showed off various aspects of the game ranging from character customization to building and crafting your own weapons and civilizations.  

Bethesda also released Fallout Shelter, a iOS game free of charge the night of the conference.  Fallout Shelter is a SIMS or XCOM style game where you are the overseer in your own vault charged with looking over the dwellers, building rooms to harvest resources, and defend your vault against various attacks and raids. 

For more on this and everything gaming, keep it here at Carbyne Studios.  

Monday, June 15, 2015

Fallout 4 Details

Fallout 4 Gets Big Announcements At E3

By Hunter Braine

At E3 2015 Tom Howard talked about a ton of news about Bethesda new Fallout title, and we're excited about all of it. 

Fallout 4 looks absolutely gorgeous so far, starting off before the bombs have actually dropped in downtown Boston, Bethesda showed off an amazing character creation and prologue to the amazing adventure that is Fallout 4.  Including a robot who actually says your name.  

The biggest thing Bethesda announced about Fallout 4 I would say was the crafting and building features of the game.  being able to interact and salvage various objects around the world to use for gun modifications and building your own stronghold is unbelievable and an amazing addition to the Fallout universe.  

Howard finished off the conference saying Fallout 4 would be available to the world on 11-10-15, however you can get a small fill of the universe with the iOS game Fallout Shelter which was released right after the conference for free.  It was also announced that a copy of Fallout 3 would be released along with your purchase of Fallout 4.

For more of your E3 news, keep it here at Carbyne Studios. 

Thursday, June 4, 2015

Valve announced Steam Controller release date

Valve announces Steam Controller's release date
By Harrison Wingfield

Y'know, as a hardware enthusiast, it's always exciting to hear about the latest gadget.  It's for that reason that the 12 year old part of my brain is really excited about Valve's new Steam Controller for no other reason other than because it looks cool as shit.  
So it's pretty cool to hear that today, Valve announced that the controller is now avaliable for pre-order with a scheduled release date of october 16th with an early release for those who pre-order as soon as possible.  
Valve has also made promises on their new Valve Link box today, which appears to be a small Chromecast-like device that can pair with your TV giving it the ability to stream games straight from your PC across your home network to the Link.  Pretty useful for all that living room gaming!
The Steam Controller will cost $60 (£40) and the Link will cost $122 (£79.98) 

Along with this, Valve has released a trailer for their upcoming, sexy-looking controller:

Wanna buy your very own Steam Controller?! Here:

For more on this and all things gaming, keep it on Carbyne Daily folks!

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Fallout 4 Officially Announced

Fallout 4 Officially Announced

By Harrison Wingfield

So It comes as little shock today that all the leaks talking about Fallout 4 were true, at 3PM GMT today, Bethesda officially announced Fallout 4 is heading to consoles and PC.  
The game looks as though it's to be set in Boston, as previously speculated, and looks like it's also running on an entirely new engine.  The animations look a lot smoother than any previous Fallout game we've seen and so I guess gone are the days of clunky animations and bad textures in Fallout games!
It seems that the game will be released for PC, PS4 and Xbox One.  We don't have an official release date yet but, c'mon, why else would they announce this so close to their first ever E3 press conference right? 

For now, we have the trailer shown above, and some box art shown below:
For more on Fallout 4 and all things gaming, keep it on Carbyne Daily, folks.


Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Bethesda Confirms Fallout 4?!

Bethesda Confirms Fallout 4?!

By Owen Price

The day has come for all gamers to join together and rejoice. Yes that's right Bethesda has announced the long awaited next instalment of the Fallout franchise; Fallout 4..Or have they?

Earlier today Bethesda tweeted this picture with the hashtag #PleaseStandBy.

Embedded image permalink

Along with the image the tweet also included a link to a new website you can check it out here

The website shows a countdown that finishes tomorrow at around 3pm GMT. 

The countdown is done in the art style of fallout and certainly raises gamers hopes that we will see the long awaited Fallout 4. but some people are still hesitant. Carbyne's very own Harrison Wingfield stated "Here's the thing, we know it's the fallout styling, and we also know it's official, BUT I wouldn't hold my breath. I mean they could pull a real dick move and announce fallout online."

Unlike Harrison I am confident that Fallout 4 is going to be announced tomorrow. It all makes sense. Now that Bethesda has tweeted this, and bearing in mind that this year marks Bethesda's first E3 conference, AND the fact that there has been a confirmed Fallout 4 trailer on LinkedIn(you can find out more about this by clicking here ( I'm more than confident saying we will be getting our fix of a post apocalyptic waste land fairly soon. I am willing to go even further and say that at Bethesda's E3 conference, we will see the mentioned Fallout 4 trailer and maybe even some early game play, but that might be a stretch, maybe I'm just a hopeless optimist. 

What do you guys think about this? Are you excited at the possibility of a new Fallout? or are you still being cautious about this whole announcement? 

For more on this story and all things gaming, stay tuned to Carbyne Studios.

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Monday, June 1, 2015

XCOM 2 coming to PC exclusively in November

Secretive project from 2K Games revealed to be a new XCOM game 

By Harrison Wingfield

Today, it was revealed first on IGN that XCOM, the popular turn-based alien-shooting strategy would be coming exclusively to PC this November.  So naturally, we're all left wondering "well, what about a console or mobile version?" (because after all, XCOM has a history with being a popular game on the Google Play and Apple stores respectively).  However, I think it's safe to assume that it's going to be on consoles and your nearest tablet in 2016 at least.  We're not 100% sure if that's the case, but we can dream, right?

As far as the game itself goes, a trailer has been released on IGN's YouTube channel, which you can check out below:  

As for the game itself, the following quote has been released: 

"XCOM 2, the roles have been reversed, and XCOM is now the invading force. They are hampered by limited resources and must constantly evade the alien threat in their new mobile headquarters. Players must use a combination of firepower and stealth-like tactics to help XCOM recruit soldiers and build a resistance network, while attempting to expose the evil alien agenda and save humanity. XCOM 2 will introduce gameplay features such as procedurally-generated levels, which will make each experience unique to the player, as well as offer a much deeper level of modding support. Additionally, XCOM 2 will offer a variety of new content including five updated soldier classes, increased soldier customization, more alien and enemy types, evolved tactical combat and more."

XCOM 2 is being developed by Firaxis, famous for previous XCOM games and the Civilisation franchise.  2K are publishing the game.

For more on this and all things gaming, don't forget to keep it right here on Carbyne Studios.